Legal Notice
Écran Cévenol
Association loi 1901
Contact e-mail
The present site and its contents constitute a work of the spirit within the meaning of the provisions of articles L111-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code and, as such, Écran Cévenol, in its capacity as author of these original creations, benefits from the protection and rights reserved by law.
In addition, all data (texts and creations) appearing on the pages of this site are the exclusive property of Écran Cévenol, its licensors, their author or the third party owner of the content, photos and those taken from films and recordings of which Écran Cévenol has the right to the image.
Any reproduction, representation or distribution, in whole or in part, of the content of this site on any medium or by any means whatsoever is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement likely to engage the civil and penal liability of the counterfeiter.
Director of the site :
Images & Films, Christian DEVAUX
Head office: 22, boulevard Sixte Isnard - 84000 AVIGNON - France
06 87 74 57 22
Host of the site :
Head office :
Personal data :
You can visit this site on the Internet without having to declare your identity and provide personal information about yourself.
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